Anyway. I had my second interview for that social services-type job on Monday, and they said they'd let me know by the end of the day tomorrow. Not having heard back from them right away makes me worry that I wasn't their A-1, absolutely-no-question choice. :( But, I will sit tight and wait another 30 hours. (What choice do I have?!)

On Sunday, I got to hang out with her in Duluth. After a yummy, yummy lunch at the new sushi place in town (Hanabi), we spent some time on Park Point. Below is a picture of the dogs and yours truly that I stole from her blog.
I've gotten a small bit of outside work done in this last week or so, but 'small' is the key adjective, unfortunately. I sure do want to spend more time outside before the bugs really hit (mosquitoes have been seen and have bitten . . . fortunately, I'M not sweet enough for them - yet).
I've been debating whether or not to turn the Central Boiler off for the season. Temperatures were nearly back to normal last week with the mercury in the low 20s at night. But, now it's back up, and I slept with only a sheet on last night since the outside temperature was in the high 50s! It's always six-of-one & half-a-dozen-of-another at this time of the year, gambling whether or not to turn the heat off.
I'll try to take some outside pictures today. Haven't done much of that lately, and it's about time I showed you what our early-spring mid-April is looking like. Have a good Thursday!
Good luck on the job! Is it a far commute for you? Can't wait to see the April pictures, and I am starting to think we should be stockpiling the bug couture before the move, LOL! I saw in the Piragis Northwoods Catalog last year what looks to be a "Snuggli" body bug net, LOL, funny, but it looks like a great item for canoe or camp!
ReplyDeleteOMG, I am LOL at Erin's comment about a bug net snuggli! Hilarious. Although maybe totally necessary, that's for sure. Hmmm, can I install windows in it?
ReplyDeleteGOOD LUCK with the job stuff. It sounds like you've got some options, which is great. I'll look forward to good news, I hope! And, it's pretty normal for people to need to wait a day (usually longer!) before letting people know, so I wouldn't worry about that.
Hey Girlfriend! It was SUCH a treat to come home from Rochester and find all these new posts to read! Hope Maisy is well on the way to mended! Hugs! And congratulations on getting to work with our sweet girl! She's going to LOVE that! :)
ReplyDeleteErin, any job that I get "in town" will be a 1-hour commute, one way. Same, of course, on any day (now) that I have a town day or nanny.
ReplyDeleteAnd, YES, DO start stock-piling the bug couture! A pre-requisite is a bug shirt. The best brand is The Original Bug Shirt, made in Canada. I think they still have them at Piragis'. I've found 'em on eBay, too. Buy them large so that you can fit them over anything from a tank to a heavy jacket, weather-dependent. Although, if it were cool enough to be covered by fabric on your body, all you'd need would be a head net. So, you'll need that, too! Bug shirts for everyone plus headnets for everyone. Ahhhh, the joys of Northwoods living!
I just went on Piragis' website and found the body bug net you were talking about, and it looks totally impractical to me (although, it was designed by someone who should know!). I guess it WOULD come in handy if you DID have a baby in a carrier (either front or back pack) and needed to protect the two of you . . . then it might work. I wonder if it would fit over / around a Pack 'n' Play? Now THAT would be handy, wouldn't it, (Claire)?!
Welcome home, Patty! I'm TRYING to blog a bit more consistently, but it's a goal I find hard to attain. ;) I'm pretty excited about working at the same place as our girl (I'll fill you in on that later), and, after having that meeting with the owner last Monday, I couldn't resist calling S when I got out to the car to sing-song, "I'm gonna be your bo-oss, I'm gonna be your bo-oss!" Which, of course, isn't true, but you get the jist. :)