My musical tastes are nothing if not eclectic.
This is what I'm listening to right now.
Got a suggestion for some tunes you think I'd like?
Leave me a comment!
Carla Bruni: Quelqu'un m'a dit (Someone Told Me)
I love, love, LOVE this album,
and I listen to it every single day at work!
Her voice is absolutely exquisite.

The Hot Club of Cowtown: I bought this album based on hearing 'Forget-me-Nots I'm Skippin' on the radio, and I was NOT disappointed!
Sharon Jones: '100 Days 100 Nights'
LOVE. HER. This album falls under the
Full-Volume-Required category.
I challenge you to put this CD in your car's stereo and NOT crank it up.

- Chicken Mama
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