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"Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful."
- Unknown

"That which does not kill you, makes you stronger."
- Handed down through the ages.

"Life's tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid."
- John Wayne

Checkin' In

Just a quick how d'ya do to check in.  We've been in perfect sugaring (maple) weather lately:  days in the 40s & 50s and nights in the 20s . . . but that warm, warm snap we had those few weeks ago cancelled out any sugaring this year.  Methinks local maple syrup prices are gonna sky-rocket due to supply & demand!

I was home sick on Wednesday (horrible headache compounded by general exhaustion, I think), and so worked yesterday, instead.  I've been busier and busier at work - doing more computer work for the boss, doing my own orders for the book aisle, etc., etc.  That's mostly good 'cause it keeps me runnin' . . . but sometimes TOO much and I don't feel like I'm giving my "regular" department (housewares) enough attention.  But, that's a good problem to have and, lately, the days have been zipping by.

No segue (other than the weather & work), but I wore open-toed sandals to work on Monday . . . and it snowed all day!!!  Ahhh, springtime in the Northwoods.  None of it stayed on the ground, but I had to borrow a pair of socks for the way home!  :)

I hope none of you are too superstitious about today being Friday, the 13th.  It's a good day for the Pea family:  Mama Pea found out she was pregnant with me on a Friday, the 13th!  ;)

Over and out.  Hopefully I'll have time to post on Sunday.


  1. Being busy is a good thing, job security, take care have a great Friday the 13th.

  2. Boy,I could not finish that sentence you wrote quick enough ,momma pea is pregnant,what a great day in the neighborhood ,new record set lmbo OK ,so it wasn't that funny

  3. Oh, gosh! I read the part about Friday the 13th, and saw Mama Pea found out she was pregnant! What???? A little brother or sister for you???? Oh, wait, then I read a little farther, and you were talking about years ago. Ha!

  4. Holy moley, please don't wish such a thing on me at this point in my life! But wait. Considering I no longer have any of the required "equipment" with which to enable pregnancy . . . it would be a miracle of sorts . . . and I'd be rich!! Extremely weird and bizarre, but rich.

    My pregnancy revelation on Friday the 13th was, indeed, years ago. Many years ago. But very welcome news because we'd been tryin' for a loooong time and were pickled tink to finally get the news that we had a bun in the oven.

  5. Gardener that you are ,you more likes swallowed a watermelon seed,Mrs. pea

  6. Ha ha - I like that, Judy: "gardener that you are, you more likely swallowed a watermelon seed!" :)

    Sorry I startled everyone with Mama Pea being "pregnant"! Didn't even think about that!!!

  7. Good thing you have set the precedent for the open toed sandals... now when I finally get there I won't shock anyone with my flip flops in the snow LOL! Even in winter here, I'm bundled up but flip flops... I don't think I have any nerves in my feet :)


If you are familiar with me and where I live, please respect my right to retain some anonymity by not referring to me by anything other than Chicken Mama nor mentioning city/town/villages by place names. Thanks!