* * * * * * *

"Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful."
- Unknown

"That which does not kill you, makes you stronger."
- Handed down through the ages.

"Life's tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid."
- John Wayne

Catching a Break?

I finally caught a little bit of a break yesterday!

First off, I only have to replace the individual missing cassette from that audio book instead of the entire thing!  Waiting to hear how much that will cost, but it will surely be substantially less than the entire replacement cost.

Then, I finally connected with the owner of the fish processing gig, and she'd been trying to e-mail me back all this time but had just upgraded to a new computer OS and wasn't having much luck sending her messages.  But, she's had me on the schedule since I first contacted her, and so I start on Monday!  Once the season is in full swing (November), it sounds like I can work full 40-hour weeks with as much paid-at-time-and-a-half overtime as I wish!  So, I'll be able to pay some of my bills (WHEW!), AND it "buys me more time" (pun intended) to figure out my longer-term game plan.

I was also propositioned yesterday by another local artist to share DOWNTOWN gallery space!  I'm meeting with him today to go look at it and discuss the situation more.  Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to work out, but the point is that maybe things are s-t-a-r-t-i-n-g to turn around for me . . . 'though I hardly dare hope!  

Finally, my day was capped with a lovely 3-hour dinner and catch-up with My Girl.  She made us dinner, and we just had a wonderful, wonderful time.  She's just SUCH an incredible woman, and I'm SO lucky to have her!  She's doing her first craft show tonight at the local ski hill, coupled with their Oktoberfest celebration, so let's all cross our fingers for her success!  

Lastly, the dogs went to their father's (and step-mother's?!) house last night for the first time while I had dinner.  It went well, and it was such a nice break for me to not be worrying about the dogs cooped up in the car after yet another long day . . . while I visited.  When I dropped the dogs off at the ex's, I told him to not take the dogs for any runs.  With Tucker getting older (but he's only five, I think), he is prone to seizing up a little after lots of exercise . . . with his long, long heavy body structure and short little legs.  They went on a walk, instead, but it was too much:  when the dogs and I got home, Tucker couldn't get his hind-quarters up from his laying position in the car.  I lifted him out and he stiffly did his business and then slowly waddled (due to stiff legs, not weight, thank you very much) into the house.  He couldn't get up into "his chair", either, so, after giving him a baby aspirin in peanut butter, I hefted him into his comfy spot.  

I was worried what shape he'd be in this morning, but, although obviously still stiff, he didn't need any assistance and got around just fine.  I stuck another aspirin in his breakfast, and hopefully he'll be right as rain by the end of the day.  So, the question for his birth mother (which is what I call his breeder) who's a reader here:  what supplementation, if any, should I be giving him as he ages?  Obviously, no extended exercise, but is there anything more than the occasional aspirin warranted?  Maybe Glucosamine & Chondroitin?  If so, what brand?  There are SO many out there!

Lastly, I'll leave you with two images I just took out the bedroom window moments ago:  bleak November come early?  The leaves are almost entirely gone from the trees in the valley.


  1. Congrats on the job! And with paid time and a half, too - woot! I give my Bernie fish oil and Glucos/Chond. because she's getting a bit stiff in the joints as well. She and I take our vitamins together in the morning! I half expect Scrappy to start limping so he gets what we're having...

  2. so glad SOMETHING came in for you-but I have a picture in my mind of you cleaning fish for rich clients out ice-fishing-please tell me how stupid I sound and that this job is something more glorious.I wonder if the animal vit. thing is as bad as the article moving around town about the vit. humans take,not as good for you as they thought plus gov't trying to take the right to buy them right out of your hands-give puppy a hug

  3. Yay! I'm so happy about the fish gig! You'll have to sneak a photo in there some time, until then I'll imagine you as my little Mystic Pizza friend! I hope Monday is the start of something good!

  4. Glad things are looking up for you... at least I'll keep my fingers crossed that they are! We had lovely leaves here until we got 2.5 inches of rain in about 70 minutes. Now it is bleak.

  5. Susan, good reminder about the fish oil. I'd forgotten about that!

    Judy, actually . . . your idea is much more glamorous than what I'll be doing! They sell roe (caviar) and ship it all over and then also process something else. I'm assuming the other is the fish that will be running in the big lake at this time of year. I know there's picking nets involved, so maybe white fish? Cisco? Herring? I'm hoping there might even be the opportunity for a long-term side gig for me: I know how to tie/repair fish nets! I worked for 7 years for the company that (I'm assuming) this fisherman gets his nets from!

    Erin, that's me: Julia Roberts in 'Mystic Pizza'. HA!

    Full Freezer, we had a warm windstorm last week but then rain and a cold, wet SUPER windstorm last night. So much so that I'll throw a chainsaw into the car this morning. There was one tree down last night that I was able to drive over, but I'm expecting more down this AM.

  6. Hey, real quick: I've heard some great things about glucosamine/chondroitin in dogs. A friend of mine had a big dog whose hips started getting really, really bad and he couldn't even walk....it all turned around and he was back to hiking the Rockies with the addition of glucosamine + chondroitin. Sounds too good to be true, but that is really all they did. I hope it helps!

  7. ask Claire if that will work with people?

  8. Glucosamine & Chondroitin just the same stuff you would take. Tell the x that Tucker need to work up to a long walk, like slowly. Tucker was born march 2006

    Baby aprin not more then 2 a day. Glad you got a job ,,,,


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