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"Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful."
- Unknown

"That which does not kill you, makes you stronger."
- Handed down through the ages.

"Life's tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid."
- John Wayne


Ahhhhhh . . . the happiness that is a day OFF!

I've so desperately needed the little sleep that I've had the time for lately . . . and being short-changed due to the invading mosquitoes does NOT sit well with yours truly.  However, after complaining to my folks last night, Dad set off on a search for the mosquito netting bed canopies of yesteryear (that we all used 30+ years ago).

The upshot is that I was sent home with a screen "tent" that is made, technically, for fitting over a sleeping bag (to use when camping).  But, I could easily adapt it to the bed upstairs.  (I'll have to take & post a picture of the set-up later.)  Suffice it to say, Daddy is at the top of my Favorite Persons list 'cause, with interruptions from only 2 mosquitoes who snuck in around the edges, I was able to sleep in this morning until 9:00 when Tucker's bladder insisted that he be let out!  Whoo-hooo!  SO happy!!

I still can't figure out where the buggers are getting in, though, because I've never had this problem before.  The only thing I can figure out is that there's a hole in a screen somewhere that I'm missing . . . or the dogs bring so many in on themselves at night that they (the mosquitoes) find fresh blood / me by morning.

I'm finally set up with a wireless modem again on my laptop (thanks to Tom), and I'm so excited to be (hopefully) regularly blogging again!  I didn't realize quite how much I was blogging from a comfy, cozy spot in the house (vs. at my desk) until the ability to do so was gone.  But, I'm in the sunroom now, coffee at my left, a fly buzzing on the window behind me, and nothing but green, green, green and the azure strip of the river across the valley visible out the French door to my right.

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I'm not even going to attempt a "should do" part of my list today.  That would be too hysterical, really!  I haven't had a day at home like this since . . . the 18th!  So, there will be two categories:  MUST do and need-to do.  Here goes:

  • Dishes
  • Ironing Work Clothes
  • Make Laundry Detergent
  • Load of Laundry (almost out of undies)
  • Some Lawn Mowing
Need To Do
  • Vacuum
  • Water Plants
  • Photographic Notecards (to restock in floral shop AND to get my stock together to sell in my new place-of-business)
  • Plant Rosebush
  • Put Away Easter (!) Decorations
I'm so happy to have a day at home that I'm really looking forward to all of the above!  And, okay, here is my Want To Do which I'll include:
  • Bake
  • Prep a Healthy Meal for Myself


  1. Please do make something good for yourself for dinner! I am sure you really appreciate the serenity of your house more than ever now that you are so busy! Hope those skeeters find someone else to "bug"!

  2. I love the image of you curled up in bed, surrounded by mosquito netting, with only the light from your laptop glowing as you blog. Cozy!

  3. Jenyfer, except my laptop is in the shop for repairs! (Doh!) Soon I'll be back at it, though (blogging). I do miss it.


If you are familiar with me and where I live, please respect my right to retain some anonymity by not referring to me by anything other than Chicken Mama nor mentioning city/town/villages by place names. Thanks!