Despite only having three posts so far, I'm loving Mama Pea's 'A Home Grown Journal' blog. Her most recent post - which, for her, may have been just a chit-chatty blurb about her strawberry patch - was a gardening lesson for me as I was reminded about pinching off the runners and blossoms the first year and mulching with this or that.
So, in order to update you, I need to go back in time to one cold morning in April when I went out to do chores. With the mash barrel nearly empty, the resident (chicken house) mouse had not been able to get out once he'd gotten in! While he'd had plenty to eat during the night, I think he was also plenty happy to see me come to rescue him! What a cute little guy! (Hmm, I wonder if he's the one Miss Kitty killed and ate last night?)

But then, the green went on fairly poorly. It was gloppy and will DEFINITELY

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