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"Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful."
- Unknown

"That which does not kill you, makes you stronger."
- Handed down through the ages.

"Life's tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid."
- John Wayne

Other Birthdays Missed

Our godson's father - in a little town outside of Hayward, Wisconsin - celebrated his birthday on the 4th, and I KNOW I have some horribly incriminating photos of him . . . but I don't have my scanner set up yet! Shoot! I'll get him in the years to come!
My "little cousin" Matt turned 30 in Illinois on the 6th. I wonder what kind of party that was?! Maybe his mother would like to weigh in about the stories she heard. Aunt Leah?
And, a new dear friend turned 3-7 on 3-7. Tom and I, flat out from the nasty cold and flu bug flying around, were unable to help her celebrate, but her little birthday present is in the works, and I imagine some celebrating will be required when it's done!
And then, Happy 6th Wedding Anniversary to our godson's parents on the 18th of this month! (Sorry, guys, but it seems like AGES ago since we all got married in 2000!) And, they are due to become GRANDparents at any moment! (By the way, they've been very cheap with pictures of our 4-year old godson lately! Hint, hint. Public shame always works!)

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