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"Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful."
- Unknown

"That which does not kill you, makes you stronger."
- Handed down through the ages.

"Life's tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid."
- John Wayne

Personal Pianist

It struck me, as I was writing my morning e-mail to Mom that it might make a decent, chatty blog post.  So, without further ado . . . 

P-Diddy (my oldest girlfriend's husband who is staying here this weekend while working on their cabin) and I had a really nice night last night.  We’ve never had so much one on one time before to talk and really get to know each other.  He was so excited about the piano:  he said that one of his life-long goals was to play piano in the woods of northern Minnesota!  And, boy, did he play!  I think I snuck a decent video of it, too (see below)!  His talent is unbelievable!

There were tons of sticky keys on the piano, and so he asked for a screwdriver and tore into it.  Now, aside from a tiny amount of adjustment needed on only two or three keys, it all plays PERFECTLY!  It was so neat to be putzing around the house with Chopin flowing through it!  Too, he said it’s an even better piano than his own.  Same brand (a good one).  He was astounded that it only cost $50 . . . or $140 once you add in the lousy thank you (to my piano haulers) dinner out we all had (the only bad meal I’ve ever had there).  I researched online while he was playing, too, and my Hamilton was made between 1920 and 1925.

I was so happy to see that he was in good spirits, too, about their cabin.  He said it was completely dry inside and that you wouldn’t even know about the standing water I cleaned up, so YAYY for that!  He got the roof finished and 90% of the tar paper on it.  They were able to convince B (my girlfriend's brother) to take a break from his other jobs so they could hire him for the day, so P-Diddy will have him for the entirety of today.  That means the entire cabin will be enclosed by the end of it!  And, by the end of tomorrow, it will be Tyvek-ed and ready to be left for as long as they need.  What a relief that will be for them!

Back to B, I told P-Diddy to try to convince him to come for dinner tonight if he at all could.  I hope that works.  Just in case it does, I’m gonna prep the two couches today for the three of us to HOPEFULLY move tonight.  I don’t like having the good new couch out in the garage where critters can get at it. 

The humidity moved in last night before bed, and sleeping (for me, anyway) was uncomfortable.  Even tho it wasn’t hot then, I stuck to the sheets each time I tried to move.  Hope P-Diddy slept well in the sunroom.  He took the truck and headed into town early this AM for final supplies.  Today, it’s UGH-hot.

Anyway, that’s all I have for now, I think.  The lawnmower is supposed to be repaired on Monday, so I’ll head into town pick that up – plus a little office work.


  1. Wow! He can really play! I have always admired anyone with musical talent. It's a gift!

  2. Ummm . . . I knew P-Diddy could play the piano but Kowabunga, Chief . . . I had no idea he could play like that!

    That Frenchman got waaay more than his share of talent and brain power!

  3. SUCH a treat! Thanks for letting us enjoy the piano player too.

    My partner plays bagpipes and banjo (not at the same time!) and I love it when she provides the soundtrack for housework, although not so much when I'm trying to do any serious wordcrafting. There's nothing more delicious than real live music made by a real live person in your own home...although, that said, there's a wonderful bird singing its heart out in the summer twilight outside, and that's pretty wonderful too!

  4. I see what he means about playing piano in the north woods. There is something downright magical about it. How wonderful to have that much talent! Thank you for sharing.

  5. Fabulous! Thanks for sharing:)

  6. Yes, he is an AMAZING pianist! (Mom, I thought you knew?) He writes his own incredible compositions, too! He and his lovely wife say that their little girl, just shy of 1 year old, cries if the piano isn't open for her to plunk away on. :) Matter of fact, the day I went down to meet her, just after she was born, I walked into the house to P-Diddy filling it with music - only to find her right next to the piano, sound asleep! Learning via osmosis? :)

    P.S. For the rest of y'all re Mama Pea's last comment: yep, he's a physicist . . . one of only something like 5 in the WORLD that can do what he can!

    MaineCelt, how lucky you are to enjoy that! P-Diddy's wife does "complain" once in a while when he's been working on one piece of a part 15 times in a row . . . in a very little house with two wee ones underfoot. ;)

  7. Fantastic! And that's great news about their cabin!

  8. Wow, Thanks Weslie for putting the video on your web site. Claire told me to take a look... First time I see myself play the piano. Thanks! And thank you all for the nice comments.

    And don't forget Weslie, 10 minutes per day, or even just 5, on the piano is always better than spending a whole hour once a week.


If you are familiar with me and where I live, please respect my right to retain some anonymity by not referring to me by anything other than Chicken Mama nor mentioning city/town/villages by place names. Thanks!