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"Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful."
- Unknown

"That which does not kill you, makes you stronger."
- Handed down through the ages.

"Life's tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid."
- John Wayne

So Much Time!

I know no one's going to believe the title of this post, but, honestly, I didn't quite know what to do with myself tonight!  Now that a few things are shifting around at work . . . and I have the information finished in order to print commission checks for June . . . I didn't have to work until the wee hours tonight!  Matter of fact, I left at (gasp!) 8:30!  8:30?!!  It was still light out!  

Dad met me in town and helped me unload some larger things that I'd brought from home in the truck for my new office space (from which I'm currently writing, thank you very much).  Then, he & I rendezvoused at Mom & Dad's house.  I grabbed a beer from their refrig, a pair of gloves from Dad and headed back outside to load the truck up with a heap of scrap lumber that I'd been "storing" in their back yard for the last several weeks.  After doing his final chores of the day, Dad came out to help me finish the loading . . . and none too soon since the skeeters came out juuuust as we were finishing.  After a short visit with them back inside, it was back into town for me to deal with the things we'd unloaded here at my office.

"My office."  Ohhh, that has a nice ring to it!  Even tho I probably haven't even spent 10 hours here yet, every time I AM here, I feel better and better about the space.  I think it will be a GOOD fit.  I never seem to have a computer, my camera, and the camera's USB cable in the same spot at the same time anymore, but pictures ARE soon to come.  I promise.

You might notice that I sound a lot happier, my load quite a bit lighter as I write tonight.  The reasons are two-fold.  One, the dear friend (deer friend?) who I'd gone 'round with about my recent (complaining) posts and I talked again yesterday.  I had some things that I had to get off my chest and we both tried to explain our positions a little more.  Eventually, the dead horse was beaten to a bloody pulp, but I did feel better.  And, while I'm not sure she felt "better", I know she's glad that *I* felt better!

Secondly, I'm precipitating (oooooh, good word!) some changes at work.  The boss lady and I went to lunch today and had a good, albeit still a bit ambiguous, talk about it.  I'll write about that elsewhere so that I can protect the innocent, and all that rot.  But, in short, I finally told her that I just can't do it (or, more to the point, TRY to do it) all anymore.  Manage the new space / business, that is.  I see it as divided into two main jobs:  the schmoozing, the meeting with vendors, the dealing with employees, blah, blah, blah and (the other half) all the deskwork, paperwork, forms, finances, etc.  And, because we "manage" in two such very different styles (neither better nor worse than the other), I choose Door #2.  So, we're going to make some changes and see how it plays out.  Stay tuned.  I'll fill you in as I can.

Okay, I still have to drive home, so I'm off.  Sorry for the lack of pictures lately, but we're gettin' there . . . !  Thanks for listening . . . and putting up with me while I got my mojo back.  ;) 


  1. So glad you're feeling better and that things are falling into place. Sometimes it takes longer than we wish it would, but it's always so worth it in the end. Can't wait to see pics of your new space and the details of how you're going to use it. I'm wondering if it's as hot where you are as it is here in Kzoo? It's been in the 90's, heat index near 100 and very humid for days and is forecast to stay that way for many more. I'm officially over it and ready for fall!!!!!!

  2. Glad you got to spend a little time "playing" in your new space, that's exciting! Also I think it's great you talked to your boss, regardless of the way the talk turned out, it has to be good to have it out there in the open and not having it eat away at you. Hope that turns out well and you can have a more manageable workload there. Enjoy that precious time!

  3. Glad that thing are slowing down a bit for you. I worry about you overloading and crashing.

    Good that you got your new space.

    Take care


If you are familiar with me and where I live, please respect my right to retain some anonymity by not referring to me by anything other than Chicken Mama nor mentioning city/town/villages by place names. Thanks!