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"Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful."
- Unknown

"That which does not kill you, makes you stronger."
- Handed down through the ages.

"Life's tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid."
- John Wayne

Raindrops on Roses . . . .

Actually, it was yesterday morning's dew.


  1. very pretty! Is that at your house?

  2. My heirloom rosebushes are loaded with blooms and since they're all right under the window, it fills the room with their heavenly, old-fashioned scent. Love it!! I'm not a huge summer lover, but I do love all the beautiful flowers. Glad you're able to enjoy them too!

  3. Erin, yep, the wild roses are blooming right now.

    Becky, I don't love summer, either! Well, I take that back: it's the heat & the bugs I hate. Were it not for those, I LOVE summer! ;)

    I'm SO envious of your heirloom rosebushes! Wow, wow, wow. I've never had much luck with roses here (domestic), but this year I caved and bought a climbing rose with blooms of that traditional buttercup yellow. I sure hope it lives!!

  4. Hi again CM Weslie!
    My rosebushes were my grandma's. They were very old when she died and I took three of them for my yard. They're so easy-tons of blooms every year and I don't fuss over them at all. They smell heavenly-like roses are supposed to smell. The new hybrid roses really don't smell very "rosy".

    I too hate heat and bugs-we have lots of flys because of our horses. I also hate humidity. I've always said if it could be forever October I'd be a happy camper!


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