* * * * * * *

"Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful."
- Unknown

"That which does not kill you, makes you stronger."
- Handed down through the ages.

"Life's tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid."
- John Wayne


We had a meeting last night for the upcoming art festival - our summertime one is held on the 4th of July weekend each year.  Unfortunately, since the grand opening for my new job (yes - I'll have to tell you about that!!!) is that same weekend, I'm not going to be able to participate.  I'm kinda bummed about that.  But, it's certainly for a good reason that I'll miss it, and hopefully, next year, I'll be able to sell my stuff for at least 1 of the 2 days.  Of course, I'm still doing the website for the fair, so that's why I had to be there last night and why I have several upcoming hours that I'll need to assign to that.  Never a dull moment, right?!

As you can see by this map (below), our fire danger has increased from where it was a week ago.  We're all waiting, expectantly, for that first bad fire to begin.  There is rain predicted for tomorrow, but, judging by the NOAA's radar, it's gonna go south of us.  So, for what it's worth, please do your rain dance for us!
Oh, yes:  my job!  The first and second interviews I'd gone to were for a domestic & sexual violence advocacy position.  But, the pay was close to horrible (and beyond horrible for that kind of IMPORTANT job - helloooo?!) and there were many after-hours events and on-call requirements that were NOT paid.  So, after the second interview, I removed myself from the running.  I don't think I would have ultimately gotten the job, anyway, since the person they did hire has a strong background in social services . . . and I knew that's where my strongest competition would be.

But, you know what they say about clouds and silver linings, right?  I went back to the woman who I'd approached way back when - when I knew I needed to get a job outside the home - and told her that she could have me full-time, if she so desired, AND for the long run (permanency vs. seasonal work).  (Remember, she wasn't advertising, but I knew working for her and in the unique position - with plenty of room to grow - that her new, community-minded business would offer would be great!)

So, on Monday, I went in to meet with her for the 2nd time and exited the building as the assistant manager!  (Although that's just semantics as my mom was quick to point out that by reporting only to her, the owner, that I am, technically, the manager).  ;)  In time, I hope to receive that distinction directly from my new boss.  :)

For now, I'm in-office one day a week . . . but that will increase, of course, as we near the opening.  The rest of my hours I'm able to full-fill here at home, working on the computer . . . an ideal situation for everyone involved!  I hope to be full-time in about 6 weeks.

Cross your fingers for me in another business endeavor, too:  tomorrow I am presenting both my regular (blank & pre-printed) and funny (Comments Required) note card lines to the new owner of the local floral shop!  What a terrific "in" that would be because how many of us buy a greeting card to send with the flowers we've just purchased?  Whoo-hoo!  I'd be so happy if this new outlet for this aspect of my photography took off!

Last night, laying in bed, I outlined my To-Dos for today, and I NEED to spend a solid 8 hours on them.  And, since I'm already 18 minutes into my first hour . . . and I HAVE to be done by 5:00 when I'm expecting visitors, I've gotta RUN.  (Dang, I never included time to brush my teeth & dress . . . !)


  1. Getting dressed is overrated, anyway. I'm psyched for you with the work options! Talk about impressive, to drum those things up on your own AND in a fairly small community!

  2. There was a goooood deal of luck & timing working in my favor, too, I believe!

  3. Well DUH! If I would have read your posts in order, I would have gotten the answer to the job question! Glad things are working out there, I know you will have to get used to the hours of full time but if it will help you keep Swamp River Ridge it will all be worth it, and like you said, a local community minded business can be very rewarding. Sorry about the art festival, but maybe all those extra people milling about will be shopping for photographic notecards!! So are you doing resort stuff? I would think that would be an awesome gig to score full time, I imagine most of it is seasonal. Well, I'm shagging off chores I NEED to get done today so I'm off, glad to hear all the news from your corner of the world!

  4. I'm not a good rain dancer, but I'll try. We have lots here, but I'm not sure it will make it past Utah without losing steam. I can, however, cross my fingers that fire does not endanger you.

    Good luck on the new employment situation. :>) Congrats.

  5. Love your new blog header . . . um, ah, uh . . . not a photo . . . sketch? Drawing? Anyway, love it, love barns, lovebarnslovebarnsLOVEBARNS!

  6. Congratulations on your new job!

  7. I've gotta be super quick here too but YAY on the job! I think you made a wise choice on the first one -- good on you for trusting your instincts. Good luck with the greeting cards!! Looking forwrad to more great updates :)

  8. It is hard for me to now decide what I might want to do. For much of my life, a job has just dropped on me and it has been good. The last one had health insurance, but I really didn't like it much and it was for my FIL and after we parted ways last week, I'm sort of wondering what i want to be next. How do you chose at 48 what to be next? And when you'd really like to be only part time, but make enough for groceries gas and car payment?? with 4 kids, 2 who will be in college next fall?? Never a dull moment!!!


If you are familiar with me and where I live, please respect my right to retain some anonymity by not referring to me by anything other than Chicken Mama nor mentioning city/town/villages by place names. Thanks!