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"Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful."
- Unknown

"That which does not kill you, makes you stronger."
- Handed down through the ages.

"Life's tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid."
- John Wayne

Friday Morning

Good morning!  It's a beautiful, sunny day at Swamp River Ridge.  There's a light coating of hoarfrost on the trees, and I'm listening to the Blue Jays screech outside as I sit here in the library writing.  Annnnd, here's Maisy, yawning, squinting her eyes against the sun, and pawing my leg asking, "Mo-ooom!  I.  Want.  Breakfast!"  Let's see how long I can put her off . . . .

I fell asleep on the couch while watching a movie night-before-last (fully clothed), so, when the phone woke me at 8:00 yesterday morning, I kinda felt like I'd never gone to bed.  

That call started a go-go-go morning of telephone conversations, e-mails, facts, and figures.  For a while there, I was feeling like it was the most stressful day I'd had in a while (and THAT'S sayin' something!), but then, magically, everything kind of fell into place!  Tom and I made some real progress on this whole "thing", and now we just need to convince the lawyer that we've already made a binding agreement between the two of us and all she needs to do is make it legal.  That's my NEXT project this morning.  But, if things can be finalized as they stand now, we will have remained friends and both be feeling good (relatively speaking, of course) about the outcome.  Think positive thoughts for us, will you?

(It's still amazing to me, though, that just a mere 2 months ago, I thought Tom and I would be growing old together . . . as had always been the plan!  Weird.  Life sure does throw some curve balls from time to time, doesn't it?)

As I wrote about in an earlier post, I got to hang out with Baby Girl last Saturday.  I hadn't seen her since her 1st birthday party on December 16th, and she'd begun walking since then!  It was an opportunity for me to give her the raspberry cloche hat I'd made her for Christmas, too . . . .

She liked it.  :)

The day before, I'd been with The Peanut, and, when I did chores on my way out that morning, I'd grabbed a fresh goose egg to bring to her.  I figured she'd have fun playing with the huge, hard-shelled egg (not easily broken like a chicken egg).  

She did.  :)

That evening was the night when The Peanut's nana and papa were coming over to share dinner with Mommy & Daddy & Boppee (yours truly), and so we figured we should make something to contribute to the meal.  We chose Peach Cobbler, or, as The Peanut says via her 2 year and 3 month old vocabulary, "Peach Clobber".

The Peanut said that we needed to wear aprons . . . so we did.   

And, with those images of sweet innocence & perfection, I'll leave you for the day.
Make it a good one!


  1. How adorable is she?! What a blessing to have the time to share with her right now-I'm sure she brightens your day, no matter what!

    Glad your discussions are going as well as possible and here's a prayer that you can continue the amicable process and finish well.

    Hope you're continuing to have the beautiful sunny weather we're having here in Kalamazoo. Still lots of snow around, but we've had bright sunny days all week. Love it!

  2. CLOBBER is one of my favorite desserts..

  3. My husband and I both thought those were adult hands at first holding the goose egg and thought "holy cow that's HUGE!" Glad to hear things are going well with the discussions, but make sure you are covered financially, don't be the nice guy when it comes to this!! There's only one lawyer? I hope she's yours, LOL Glad you and the Peanut had some apron time, she's so cute I am sure she brightens your day!

  4. The little cloche is so cute!

    Sending positive thoughts your way, I'm so sorry things have turned out this way for you and Tom.

  5. Thanks for the wonderful words, ladies. :) You brighten my day.

    Becky, folks have asked me if I'm in counseling right now (at the moment I'm not, but I have been and probably will be again), and I say, "No - I have The Peanut!" :)

    Karen, YUP, if she offered you some 'clobber', you can BET you'd take her up on it!

    Erin, if the egg was THAT big, I don't think I'd like to see the goose that laid it! ;)

    And, thanks, Ruthie. It means a lot.


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