To celebrate the holiday, I am taking the day OFF. O-f-f: off. Mind you, this is not an easy thing for me to do. Everywhere I go, I am surrounded by Things To Do. So, I am making a conscious effort to do ONLY THAT WHICH I WANT!
What have I done so far?
- Slept in until 10:30. Aaaaah, bliss.
- Talked to a girlfriend for about 5 minutes squeezed into four phone calls . . . after which we gave up (apparently the phone problem is not fixed).
- Complained about the sticky humidity we have today.
- Sat here at my desk doing "want to do" deskwork instead of "have to do" deskwork.
Tom has taken the day "off", too. But, all that means is that he's not getting paid for the work he's doing! ;) He's been outside since rising this morning (he also enjoyed a lie-in) working on the 2nd side of the front gateway. I wrote about it the other day but never got the post published. But, this is what I said (and here's a picture I took this morning):

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