So - finally! I love winter (my favorite season, to be sure), but I love spring. Yes, it's dirty and messy but it's also the rebirth of everything! Each day brings new changes like no other time in the year.
A friend e-mailed yesterday to ask how I am and wondered why I haven't written anything here about that. Well, 'cause there's not much to share anymore . . . PLUS I don't want to sound like an old woman who has nothing better to talk about than her most recent ailments! :) But, if inquiring minds want to know: I no longer have abdominal pain unless I physically stress myself (pushing or pulling something too heavy) - which I'm still trying to not do. I still get tired really easily, and my body is still trying to physically "level out" from going from three years of being on HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) to - now - neither being on nor having (!) ANY hormones! I still have the "other" aches and pains that we'd hoped (against hope?) would be eliminated by this surgery, but whadya gonna do: surgery doesn't fix everything! So, that's that - my current medical status.

I've never known a dog that doesn't grasp the game of catch. Thanks for a good chuckle, Tucker!