It's such a neat little cabin . . . and we never use it (ourselves)! So, it was the perfect opportunity - an opportunity that we need to take advantage of more often!

It was all quite idyllic . . . except for one small disaster.
While Tom was doing some things around the cabin and I was inside, the dogs were running around outside . . . including down around my folks' place. And, little did we know (although, yes, we had discussed it a couple of nights previous and I had promptly forgotten), the fence enclosing their two-legged critters (chickens, ducks, and geese) had gone down under the weight of the snow. Result? The livestock was NOT protected . . . from Tucker. So, fast forward to me asking Tom, "What are the dogs playing with?" "Looks like a chicken," Tom jokes. Then, a split second later it hits us both: Oh, Nooooo! And, actually, the situation might have been better had it been a chicken . . . and not a beautiful, rare, expensive duck that Dad had raised from a day-old duckling. Ugh.

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