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"Life doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful."
- Unknown

"That which does not kill you, makes you stronger."
- Handed down through the ages.

"Life's tough. It's even tougher when you're stupid."
- John Wayne

Redundant for You, Exciting for Us

Yes, I do feel that the news lately on our blog here is probably becoming a bit boring for you: "What are Tom and Weslie up to now?" "Oh, they put in yet another window." And, really, how many pictures can I post of us putting in "yet another window"?! But, while it might be boring for you, it's still totally exciting for us! Another window in means another view off our Swamp River Ridge previously unseen in the context of the positioning of the windows. Another window in also means one step closer to the house being completely enclosed . . . and then the ability to move onto the next step!
Meanwhile, there have been a couple of other things going on that I've forgotten to mention. We've put the cabin on Lake Shetek in southwestern MN on the market! Anyone interested? If you actually might be, don't hesitate to give us a call! It's on one of the most prime pieces of land on a quiet end of the very large lake where walleye fishing abounds. And, if you don't feel like taking a boat out onto the water, you can walk right out on the dock, drop your line, and catch crappies and bullhead!
And, when Tom was in the Cities last week he got his latest tattoo: a snowflake with the words 'Let It Snow' underneath. Four of us now have that tattoo - or variations thereof - and, yes, there's a story there! ;) At any rate, I'll have to try to get a good picture of it to post.
Weather wise, spring has been lovely. We even saw hints of green grass along the roadside last night on our way home from work up at the property! The Red Maples are in full flower, the birds are singing, and the pussy willows are starting to seed out. And, the temps have been mild. Some rain is predicted today which we could use to "clean things up" - although that might put a bit of a crimp in our afternoon window installation hopes!

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